Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year 2010!
Thank you for all your nice comments throughout this year. You all motivated me to be a better artist *grin*
I'm not on hiatus...just a bit slow with everything. I can't wait to update something new soon. I guess it'll be for 2010.
Stay safe peeps and have a great NYE party.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Painting in Progress and My Creative Process
I hope you guys stay warm in this cold cold world. It's been in the highest of 30ish F lately. PJ pants and long sleeves shirt are pretty much my uniform lately:)
Anyway, my latest painting is slowly emerging. I think I may be able to finish it next week, and of course I'll post it the final result.
I have found an idea for my next painting. When I got an idea in my head, I would immediately sketch it on my moleskine. It'll be my preliminary sketch of what I want to include on my canvas. Then I'll sketch it on a bigger paper. On this stage, I'll work on a specific expression of the girl....I give her a personality:) I will then transfer it on a canvas. You know the rest...underpainting and layers of oil paints.

Well, now I'm hungry. I'll make flatbread topped with baby bella in tomato cream cheese sauce plus mozarella cheese. Have a wonderful weekend!
Friday, December 11, 2009
I'll be Your Best Friend painting and twitter
I just realized that I haven't posted my latest finished painting. So there it is, and I promise I'll post picture or at least progress shots of my current painting. It'll be a bit slower, though. This weather has made each layer dries longer. I'm hoping to finish it before Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas, how is your Christmas preparation? Are you done with Christmas gifts shopping? I'm glad I'm done:) Everything is wrapped and ready to be shipped out.
Anyway, I'm wondering what you think of twitter. I joined because one of my good friends was there, then I found lots of artists also had twitter. I'm doing it because everybody is doing it, but I'm not a huge fan of it. The newsfeeds keeps coming really fast so that sometimes you wind up ignoring somebody's response. I don't like that part.
See you soon!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
New Painting in Progress
At least, the smooth surface of linen has made it easier to apply the layers:)
Anyway, Thanksgiving is coming. Do you have any special cooking plans?
It would be the two of us, so I'll be in charge in making pumpkin roll, pumpkin pie, and sweet potatoes souffle. Yup, I love desserts and I'll stick in that section for Thanksgiving:)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Happy Monday
I wrote earlier that I might turn one of my sketches into a painting and I did it. It was still the initial layer on my linen (it does sound fancy, eh?)
Other random things:
- I posted two of my paintings on Juxtapoz Forum for their reader art section. Not sure if anyone will notice many artists posted their works in hoping to be featured in the reader art. Well, if you ever feel like checking it out:)
- I've been craving breads from Koryodang bakery in Koreatown, NYC. Yes yes...I love my sweet fluffy buns.
- If you read my blog, you may have noticed that I like a lot of different styles of artwork. One of my favorites is the art of Donato Giancola. He's a realist painter who specializes in sci-fi and fantasy illustration. His technique is just sooo good.
- Sour Harvest visited Audrey Kawasaki's painting studio and uploaded some pictures. She has one cozy studio, and I love the first painting (Geisha) she did.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hello and a bit of Pics from 'Go East' LeBasse Projects NYC
A little bit of art related news. We went to see 'Go East' LeBasse Projects in NYC. The gallery was at Lower East Side. We went to The Met for Vermeer exhibition prior to that. Vermeer Exhibition is only until Nov. 29th and we definitely didn't want to miss that. It was truly amazing to see The Milkmaid upclose. Anyway, we went to LeBasse show afterwards. The crowd wasn't that packed when we got there but boy, it got cramped pretty fast. All the paintings from Yoskay Yamamoto, Tessar Lo, Edwin Ushiro, Joao Ruas, Mia Araujo, Nate Frizzell, and Eric Fortune were just beautiful. I got a chance to say hi to Beau Basse, the owner of the gallery, Yoskay, Mia, and Joao. I'm pretty much shy in nature but the whole environment encouraged me to do that. They were super friendly.
One of Mia Araujo's gorgeous paintings.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Hello world
My parents-in-laws will be in town today and stay at our place. I have tons of things to do around the house before their arrival.
Not much painting done and it makes me a bit grumpy. My hands are itching itching itching to do more paintings.
I even haven't finished my latest one. Did some changes to the squids but the rest is still untouched...frustrating. Hmmpphhh.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
New Hi Fructose and Rough Drawings
I haven't been able to focus on my painting this week. We're going to be out of town for this weekend. I'm going to visit an Indonesian friend and meet other new friends. It'll be nice chatting in my mother tongue.Then my parents in laws are going to stay with us. Busy busy busy. Need to clean the house right after we return home. I have decided to put painting off first and focus on spending time with them.
Meanwhile, I just put some ideas on my moleskine or do rough drawings on sketch book.
I can't wait to turn two of those drawings into paintings. Gotta wait gotta wait:)
By the way, thanks for reading and/or leaving some comments and feedbacks on my modest blog. I really appreciate it a lot. It's always nice to meet new friends. I did also visit your blogs, but couldn't leave any comments to some of you who use embedded comments. But I did read your blogs:)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Happy Tuesday:)
- Tessar Lo just sent out his newsletter to let his fans know of what he's been up to. I like his casual way to reach into his readers. Often times, newsletter just really turns me off because I can smell the whole marketing tone in it.
- Still related to Tessar. He'll have upcoming show in nyc held by LeBasse Projects. It'll be a group show with Edwin Ushiro, Eric Fortune, Nate Frizzell, Mia , and Yoskay Yamamoto (I think I mentioned everyone:))
- I found a bakery here in New Haven. One thing that I miss from Jakarta is its malls, and tons of bakeries inside the mall. They sell lots of squeezy milky bread with tasty fillings or toppings. So last week, I spotted a chinese bakery next to asian store. Bought 4 buns plus 2 sesame dumplings (balls) for $6. They were actually quite good.
- I've been struggling on my last painting. She challenged me from the beginning.
Her face kept changing during the whole process from rough sketching till the painting.. I also had the hardest time in getting her to look right. She's one stubborn girl ...frustrating! I think I've passed the worst part though:)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Things that I love today
- Having a cup of coffee with sweetened condensed milk. It just reminds me of home.
- Watching Audrey Kawasaki at Baby Tattooville on youtube. It's always interesting to see an artist on action.
- Viewing Ana Bagayan's preview of her upcoming show at Roq La Rue. It's nice to see how she keeps evolving.
- Daydreaming of vacation to Bali after getting email about SQ's ticket promo.
- Laying more layer on my painting. I did things a bit different with this painting. The process is different and a bit out of my comfort zone. Experimenting is always good to challenge yourself. I hope it turns out okay. I like this girl, it'll give me big tears if I mess her up...hehe. Anyway, it's still early stage.

Saturday, October 3, 2009
New Sketch and Progress Shot

And another progress shot of the latest painting.

Thursday, October 1, 2009
I just adopted Coraline
The weather was nice, so we decided to walk around downtown a bit. Got a yummy bagel with smoked salmon and cream cheese, then we went to a comic store for me to get the latest Hi Fructose since B&N (Yale's bookstore) didn't seem to carry it anymore. Alternate Universe (the comic store) didn't have the newest magazine, but I spotted 3 little Coraline figurines. One in PJs, one in shirt and denim, and one in yellow raincoat. I would have adopted all of them if I were rich:) they could be like cute triplets hanging out in my room. I took the one in yellow raincoat. She has the cutest expression and looks inquisitive.
Little Coraline is hanging out near my painting. Isn't she adorable?
And yes, that's the sneak peak of my latest painting. It's not the best quality photo. I'm not a good photographer. All I can do is just pressing the button...that's it..hehe.
I think it's almost done...there is still some itty bitty things that need my attention:)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I don't feel cute
I tried oil painting for the first time in 2007. I didn't know how when I first started it...completely blank..hehe. After getting to know a bit of basic oil painting, there was long pause. I started again around August 2008, but not really full time since we were still in the middle of settling in our new place. You know, unpacking, cleaning, painting this room and that....I got so many distractions. It wasn't until 2009 that I did it full time. Since I'm self taught, each piece is my self expression and also learning process.
The current piece I previously posted feels special because I felt like I express myself better. I also realized that I was a bit less over analyzing. I know I still have so many things to learn.
I'll update the progress soon. Meanwhile, I'm posting the other painting.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Happy Wednesday!
and this one

I just laid underpainting and some initial colors to the painting. We'll see how it goes. I just hope I won't mess it up...hehe.
I've been feeling motivated after our trip to NYC last weekend. We went to Society of Illustrators to see Spectrum Exhibition. D introduced me to Spectrum books couple years ago before I even thought about pursuing career in art. I was ecstatic to finally have a chance to view all those amazing works from my favorite artists, such as Donato Giancola, Kinuko Craft, Eric Fortune, David Bowers, and more, in person and up close. They're just so amazing! I feel so lucky.
We also went to Kinokuniya book store. They had bigger selections of art books than when we were there last time. We had lunch at their cafe on 2nd floor. Tasty tasty food. The cakes were delicious and the green tea frappe was so addictive. Way better than at Starbucks. The weather was also really pleasant. What a great weekend:)
Some pictures from our fun weekend.

Friday, September 18, 2009
What's wrong with Blogger embedded comment?
Monday, September 14, 2009
Group show @Creative Arts Workshop

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Is this eucalyptus?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Another painting (this time with chubby Koala)

I did a bit of my other painting today since I felt uninspired with my current girl. It's pretty common with me . I'll get uninspired while I'm still working on something so I'll get back to my other unfinished paintings. That progress pic is kinda cropped in a weird way...hmmm. Will take better image of it next time.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Painting in rainy day
Anyway, D took mr. canon today so I only relied on mr. casio to take pictures of what I'm currently working on.
As you can see, the smaller canvas is actually resting on a chair. It's still an early stage. I just started yesterday. I've already had an idea of what I'm going to paint for my next big canvas, so I really need to get my current painting done ^_^

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Painting in the weekend

It's morning and feels humid already. Being born and raised in a tropical island doesn't mean I'm used to it. I'm having my morning caffeine boost at the moment and thinking how lucky I am. I'll take care of laundry and go back to paint some more. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
That painting is one of my early paintings not so long ago.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Another painting in progress in this hot day
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Painting break
I didn’t get much painting done today for a fun reason. We went to see District 9. Although it was sad, the movie was really good. I had to cover my face couple times when they showed throwing up scene ( I can’t stand it) or when there was bloody chopping scene. The actor reminded me of Steve Carrell from The Office, in fact, the opening scene was kind of a depressing Dunder MifflinJ
I also finally got Hi Fructose from Borders. I couldn’t find it at B&N so I was excited to find the one and only copy at Borders. All those talents sometimes make me depressed because they are just so crazy skilled and I just don’t know when I can reach their skill.
I haven’t taken any pictures of my painting progress. I will post this cute picture from the anime I’ve been watching recently before bedtime. Yes, I’m watching anime from the cute one, cheesy one to robot. I really am not that grown up.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Painting in this hot day
I'm working on the other painting that I've been abandoning for weeks. I started the girl with black hair then it didn't feel right, so I changed it to auburn tone. She's almost done and now I have to work on other tiny details surrounding her.
A bit recap of my weekend. We went to Chelsea for opening reception of Summer Exhibition at Joshua Liner gallery. The place got packed really fast. We spent enough time in the gallery until it was difficult for us to move around.
The painting below is by Tat Ito. The image is only partially of the real one. the painting itself was huge (84x72). It was really interesting. He painted a maze with lot of little people trying to get away from it. Each of those people had different facial expression.

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sweet Koala Studio
I finally got myself a big easel last week. Painting a big canvas while sitting on the floor was quite rough for my back. The easel was a good bargain. It's pretty basic but works nicely.