Random things that crossed in my mind from the past few days.
Tessar Lo just sent out his newsletter to let his fans know of what he's been up to. I like his casual way to reach into his readers. Often times, newsletter just really turns me off because I can smell the whole marketing tone in it.
- Still related to Tessar. He'll have upcoming show in nyc held by
LeBasse Projects. It'll be a group show with Edwin Ushiro, Eric Fortune, Nate Frizzell, Mia , and Yoskay Yamamoto (I think I mentioned everyone:))
- I found a bakery here in New Haven. One thing that I miss from Jakarta is its malls, and tons of bakeries inside the mall. They sell lots of squeezy milky bread with tasty fillings or toppings. So last week, I spotted a chinese bakery next to asian store. Bought 4 buns plus 2 sesame dumplings (balls) for $6. They were actually quite good.
- I've been struggling on my last painting. She challenged me from the beginning.
Her face kept changing during the whole process from rough sketching till the painting.. I also had the hardest time in getting her to look right. She's one stubborn girl ...frustrating! I think I've passed the worst part though:)